Monday, February 18, 2013


I've put together this fledgling site in connection with an upcoming discussion I'll be having with students in our graduate programs in English at Loyola University Chicago about the emerging alt-ac movement. My aim here is simply to gather together some useful resources and articles for students interested in exploring alternative academic jobs within, or outside of, colleges and universities, and to provide a place for discussion and the exchange of ideas. Of course anyone's free to use the site, and if you've got suggestions about resources or articles I ought to link to, please do let me know. Right now you'll find links in the menu to the right to, among others, Versatile PhD, a resource and social network site with lots of information (and material for those who pay for a "Premium" membership), and the MLA's new #alt-academy, as well as articles by Bethany Nowviskie, Brian Croxall, and William Pannapacker. For a general discussion of what's wrong with graduate education in English, click on the link to my appearance, along with Leonard Cassuto of Fordham University, on the television show Higher Education Today.